Carlingford Community Newsletter June 2019 Edition
Carlingford Residents Association
Carlingford Community Development
(The Foy Centre)
Carlingford Tidy Towns
Carlingford & Cooley Tourism Assoc.
Carlingford Lough Heritage Trust
This newsletter is jointly produced by the five bodies representing the Carlingford community,
Carlingford Community Forum News
The Forum is happy to report that work on producing a ‘Design for Carlingford’ in association with Louth County Council is back on track. The Council visited Carlingford on Wednesday 12th June and consulted on many aspects of the Public Realm.
The Council will continue its engagement with the Forum and stressed that applications going to Council from Carlingford should have a buy in from all groups represented on the Forum. The project lead can be taken by a particular organisation but the proposal should first be discussed by the Forum.
The Town & Village Renewal Scheme tender process is now complete. Once the contractor is appointed, we hope the project can be delivered promptly.
A Pride of Place adjudication date has been fixed for Thursday August 22nd. We are entered under Community Tourism Initiative. The support of all Community groups and Tourist Providers would be much appreciated. It is an honour for Carlingford to receive this nomination and Louth County Council have offered their support with our preparation.
Heritage News
Summer Concert Series
The summer concerts begin on Sunday 28th July and continue through Heritage Week.
28th July: 4pm Kevin Burke Irish-American fiddler of Bothy Band fame 4th August: 4pm Chris Stout & Catriona Mc Kay Scottish folk duo on fiddle and harp
11th August: 4pm Niwel Tsumbu & Eamon Cagney African-Irish duo on guitar and percussion
Heritage Week 2019 runs from 17th -25th August.
Bell ringing – Saturday 17th August at 12 noon
There will be Bell ringing to announce the beginning of National Heritage Week from the medieval bell tower of Carlingford Heritage Centre, formerly the Church of the Holy Trinity, which overlooks the historic town.
Concert – Sunday 18th August at 4 pm
Zoe Conway, John McIntyre and friends with Jean-Michel Veillon and Yvon Riou, Breton duo on flute and guitar.
Thomas D’Arcy McGee Summer School: Tuesday 20th – Wednesday 21st August
‘Mapping Cooley over five centuries’: Wednesday 21st August, 7:30pm
With Micheál O’ Hanlon and Séamus Murphy
The earliest map of the area dates from the 1560s, but detailed modern mapping arrived with the Ordnance Survey 6-inch series in the 1830s.
‘Dun Ocalla, Carlingford and King John’ Thursday 22nd August, 7:30pm
A Talk by archaeologist Eoin Halpin on the recent investigations at King John’s Castle. Meeting at the pier under King John’s Castle.
Concert – Sunday 25th August at 4 pm
Zoe Conway, John McIntyre and friends with Yolanda Gonzalez Sobrado, Flamenco dancer from Spain.
Further events may also be arranged.
Dublin Penny Journal 1832
Extravagant language in travel literature is nothing new!
Carlingford & Cooley Tourism Association News
The CCTA has nothing to report this month.
The Foy Centre
CPR Training
Bradley’s Pharmacy held a free CPR training day in the Foy Centre on 5th June for the locals. Those who attended got to learn what happens when you call 999, how to deliver chest compressions and a demo of using
an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). We were delighted with the turn out and those who attended really felt the session very informative.
New Windows
We were delighted to have installed new windows and a door in the Foy Centre. The work was carried out in the Orchard Bakery part of the building as the previous windows were old and very draughty. We are absolutely delighted with them. A huge thanks to ‘Lifestyle Home Improvements’ who were contracted to fit them.
Jonathan and his team also repainted the café. Make sure you pop into the Orchard Bakery for a cuppa and a bite to eat and see how well the place looks.
Please see below the before and after photos: Before
Orchard Bakery
The next Pop up evening will be Friday and Saturday (12th and 13th July). For bookings or enquiries please call 086 1956878. Check out their Facebook page to see the delicious menu.
Looking ahead – a few dates for your diary:
Bricks 4 Kidz Summer Camp – Monday 15th July – Friday 19th July. 9am – 1pm.
The Irish Dance Festival will return to Carlingford, Monday 29th July – Saturday 3rd August. Check out their Facebook page for further details.
Tag Rugby Festival – 17th August
If there’s anything you would like to see happening in the centre or on the pitch please contact
Debbie Hamilton on 083 8013777.
Carlingford Tidy Towns
Just a few of the pollinating bee friendly plants we are installing this year instead of the previous range of bedding plants.
Home grown hanging baskets brought to you by Carlingford Tidy Towns and installed by our team.
CTT has eventually managed to deliver our project to replace the old stone picnic tables on the green with ‘fit for purpose’ new ones. The project has been a lengthy one from breaking the first turf in March to installation in June.
We obtained funding for the two, high quality, vandal proof tables after applying to Probal and a Tidy Towns project scheme. Each of the tables has an overhang at one end to allow access for buggies and wheelchairs and a barbeque plate is also being fitted to each table.
It is great to see them in use now and hopefully for very many years to come.
On Saturday 22nd June, CTT refreshed the green paint on the harbour light and bollards on castle pier. They are green because King John’s is the starboard hand pier.
We are also pleased to report that we have installed a new information board describing the types of crab and fish species you might find near the shore in Carlingford. Our special thanks go to The Loughs Agency and Seamus Murphy for their assistance in bringing this project to fruition.
The flowerbed we created outside Getaways is now in full bloom and bees are there working away on the superb pollen from our plants selected for their pollinator friendly rating. We are impressed how small changes can make such a difference and will be introducing more similar planting around the town in due course.
Tranquil views from the grounds of King John’s Castle
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If you run a local community group and would like to advertise your past or future events in this newsletter, please contact the undersigned.
Thank you for supporting your community
If you have any ideas or comments please Email them to
and I will ensure they are brought to the attention of the appropriate committee.