MAY 2021 EDITION Carlingford COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER MAY 2021 EDITION This newsletter is jointly produced by the bodies representing the Carlingford Community, namely: Carlingford Lough Heritage Trust CLHT Carlingford & Cooley Tourism Assoc. CCTA Carlingford Traders Association CTA Carlingford Tidy Towns CTT Carlingford Community Development CCD (The Foy Centre) Carlingford Residents Association CRA Carlingford Community […]
Blog: Artist inspired by the Táin

Recently, when we were spreading the word about our online talk ‘Mapping the Táin’ by Paul Gosling on social media, we used a painting by artist and farmer Joe Ryder, Donegal, from a series of his artworks inspired by Cú Chulainn and the Táin. This generated a great reaction so we decided that we’d like to find out more about Joe’s work on Irish legends and mythology and the inspiration behind them. Joe grew up in Lurgan, […]